This week’s blog post is from our office manager, Andrea.

Pheasant soup, venison, rabbit and much more was on the menu at Saint Matthew’s Men’s Club Wild Game Feed this past Thursday. Adolph Legal attended for the third year in a row and helped to raise funds for the school, the softball team, overall maintenance, and other needs. As a staff, we are incredibly lucky that we show support to such a wide variety of causes. I’m sure our regular blog readers have noticed that in the first two months of 2017 we have attended several charity events. We began this year at the Boys and Girls Club A Taste of Wine and Cheese fundraiser at the KI. Next, our group headed to the Show of Strength event at the Jet Air Hangar. The following day we traveled to Denmark’s Beverly Gardens to partake in the chicken dinner and charity auction for Saint Paul’s School and Church. Our charitable endeavors have ranged from children, to women in need, to various community organizations. And we have others in the calendar already!
As we select events and reach out to our community, it reflects the great diversity of our office. Each employee has found events of personal importance for the office to attend and support. By going to these events our staff contributes to strong foundations in the area and Adolph Legal gains in strength as well. Stepping outside of the office together helps our staff maintain balance and fun in what can be a very emotional and sometimes stressful field. We want to foster a healthy community and office so that we can provide the best legal services possible. As the behind the scenes office manager, I get to observe and interact with this small group of people and see how much they care. Adolph Legal cares about being active in charity, cares about each other and cares about our clients. If you have any recommendations of events that we can be involved with or would like to inquire about our services, please contact us by phone at 920.634.2212 or by e-mail at [email protected]